Hi SFO, here Milano. We are proud to tell you that we are never tired….and after the synchronical critical mass with the one in San Francisco (that as said before will be a group of about 30 to 50 people and will not gather families) we will meet in a huge critical mass (hundreds???? we hope) for everybody, Saturday afternoon at 15:00 from piazza Graziano Predielis (ex piazza Mercanti).
We will be a river and we will be able to stop the traffic, as we did for the critical mass protest for Cop9, Cop 15, the summer swimsuit critical mass, the guerrilla gardennig critical mass, every winter for San Lazzaro…
Even the usual Thursday evening mass will celebrate the 20 years! So we will have three day of celebrations….we really never have enough!
This is just to let you know that in case someone of you wants to try exotical experiences, or need to fly away from San Francisco for puzzling reasons, he will find a home here in Milano…..